
McCartney In Goal is hosted by David Hughes and fellow referees, Brett and Steve Sumner. It is the podcast that debates and dissects a great album of pop music.
We take some stories about an album that we love, mix in some opinion, sprinkle over a World Cup style-knock out scenario – and stick it all in blender. The results could be delectable – but we will probably make them inedible.
We may (often) be uninformed. We could be biased. We will certainly be unruly. And, it is beyond any doubt that Paul McCartney will not be harmed during the making of this podcast. UN observers have confirmed so.
MiG is not-for-profit. We try reasonably hard to be informative, and apologise for any mistakes, factual errors or any content that you might find offensive. We hope to entertain rather than offend.
The legal bits are set out in our Terms of use and Privacy notice.
Whether your thoughts be positive or negative and if you wish to express them, please email us at: hello@mccartneyingoal.com or find us on Twitter – https://twitter.com/mccartneyin